untitled 6
A golden brilliance in broken bowls
Their beauty a garment of God
What does that matter for truth
Independence etched from disobedience
Yet an interpretation of those shadows
With eye ruined by salty wounds
Is bound to hopeless love
Phantoms demarcated by duty
The spray of the wind from the west
Captures as amulets rolled back
Down to the unspoilt land
Innocent rustics polish the residue of hard work
They glance at heaven with more ease
The man with the interrupting face
Agency lost to
A piece of Arcadian land
There I am with quiet pleasures
Associated from inhibition removed from
Through a sleeping mouth
A dark seed coughed
A pit that threatens to gaze back
Embellished by the serpent with an
Induced torrent to move
Atop the quivering mosaic of grime
The perfection of death billows through
Sweet grasses
untitled 3
The painted hero
Accompanied by the hummingbird
Who lived within the nest of souls
Exiled to a defiant star
Where the wind split the sky in two
And the moon was confused with the eyes that gazed upon it
The cosmic waters which have eaten storms
A mea culpa
For is it not the feminine which travels into the forest
The unavenged embodiment of passion squeezed out the last few remaining tears that journey left in
The demiurgic adornments and ornaments that dug the trench
Below rest
This myth does not inspire a verdict
But instead a creative indifference
A name, curiously eponymous with a novel vexation
Could we not imagine a world without color, fragrance?
untitled 2
My proclivity for love came
Like constellation with no pattern
Their position ouroboric in nature
Flexing, enduring, like
Recursive, meandering discourse
But of course it did
For what did I have to mimic but the vulgarity of an impression
A concept, a thing without meaning
To what seat is owed for bearing
A reduction reticent, but not without motive
So I shed
And what is deserted is decorated
Vehemently hung with seeds
Could you have reestablished their order without ethereal aid
Both divine and mechanical
Drawing on those long limbs
Lines that I would learn to topple
Belonging to the world below
Your heart is in my mouth right now
And could I wipe the sleep off
Throwing light at your divine office
For what is paradise worth
If not born to destroy all the world
I assure you that I am on the way
Arriving with weapons of a celestial sport
I gathered them from the sea
And although already driven mad
That terrain, the fauna tormented, the flora assaulted the very act of being
A performance that proceeds recognition
The iron of the earth
Although hot must be cooled
And how the temperament of the water is stained
All through
May I too bathe in
Your honeyed refrain, in your glass coffin
untitled 1
Architecture is displayed in quivers and arrows
A parody of the enigmatic emblem of beauty and rebellion
For girls who reside in glass houses
Have learned to throw bigger stones
The slow gloomy epilogue of luster
Saturnine in nature
An evocation of the unique nobility
That is suffering and renunciation
A womb devoured
May we re-collect a calamity
And return to ocean’s halls and
The palace of beams
A nectar vignette
Imparted by the wind
Although in systems as discrete as these
The reducer only exiles the liberated
Managed by the indwelling spirit
Exiled to the sought for the interior