untitled 2

My proclivity for love came


Like constellation with no pattern

Their position ouroboric in nature

Flexing, enduring, like

Recursive, meandering discourse

But of course it did

For what did I have to mimic but the vulgarity of an impression

A concept, a thing without meaning

To what seat is owed for bearing

A reduction reticent, but not without motive

So I shed

And what is deserted is decorated

Vehemently hung with seeds

Could you have reestablished their order without ethereal aid

Both divine and mechanical

Drawing on those long limbs

Lines that I would learn to topple

Belonging to the world below

Your heart is in my mouth right now

And could I wipe the sleep off

Throwing light at your divine office

For what is paradise worth

If not born to destroy all the world

I assure you that I am on the way

Arriving with weapons of a celestial sport

I gathered them from the sea

And although already driven mad

That terrain, the fauna tormented, the flora assaulted the very act of being

A performance that proceeds recognition

The iron of the earth

Although hot must be cooled

And how the temperament of the water is stained

All through

May I too bathe in

Your honeyed refrain, in your glass coffin


untitled 3


untitled 1