We’ll Wind Up In The River I Guess
summer solstice
Transcendence of light, soft moons
Their bellies dance, crest over a horizon, like coiling wind
The winter echoes like barefoot little babies
A void, but not without
Wanting, but never grasping
A prayer of solace placed at the earth
Golden as gift of and for each other, and for purity, of eternity
Ensconced of space and land
The work that is long cannot be undone
red tulips
An alpine lake big enough to sink my teeth into
Debilitating being by way of delusion
Typical of a bank of imitations in memoriam
Reverberate pulses that do not clearly identify themselves
Won’t behave no matter how I beg
Like it also wanders aimlessly
Searching for the makings of conduct
Time by range
Space by silence
Instead they are letters rearranged
Of an ancient idea
But even the colors are shifting based on the perspective
From which you glance
The angle, the beam, the thing, the curve, the light
If distance retains beauty, purity
Why is longing so dire
Is loneliness worse the closer it is
Aches for a space that existed
Only above the tree line
Without comfort or overcoming empowerment
Instead it arrived with a bit of established hardness
Containers of shell, armor, callous
A barricade, brick by brick
Each representative of another tile
Another devastation
And now they’re covered in vines
A floral scent
In roots
Eventually to decompose, return
I shake them out
It abides, and matches, and mimics the dimming
The scythe will try to remove the incipient adherences to those limbs
Which cling to the core
But the new blooms petition for water
Breathe, atmosphere of smog
Commitment that does not equal constraint
I do wish the arc was less pronounced
Story exhausted by living
the preservation of fire
Does the drought that looms conjure
Wind which will bring the flames soon
The weight of living is carried
Just long enough
And then set down intentionally for a new
The mountain step an overachieving reach of the
Longevity of perseverance
Does love fret of its dissolution into violence
A demolition of sorts
I’m not sure the pieces I gave
And the pieces we dropped
Get recollected
For a translation is just an echo
And an echo eventually recedes
Isn’t it in the nature of conditionalities to whither
We are not inventors of anything
Our independence only a radiation of the Sun
The shape of a feeling
Does the texture make the thing more susceptible to metamorphizing
Tiny granules with tiny arms and limbs infiltrating
Every cavity filled
Until the original things exist no longer
Their internal structure, once an organic myth
Reflecting an eternal rhythm
Has been replaced by a mechanized false design
The beauty does not lie in the details
But in the vacated tenancy of untamed boundless form
How long would you stand
Not knowing who took you
an illustration of rapture
Should we paint the walls
Endearingly commanded love
The kind that comes paired with failure
Souring of a fruit
That turned the skies mood
I choose yellow
The tree so loud it echoed
Stand up straighter
Bouncing off the irrepressible depth of the stone’s hue
Now you’re someone I don’t recognize too
So, do we paint the walls
As if to cover up the present mood
Candence, violent
As in the old man who hollers time
On every page
Ridiculous wander, love, thanks
Being, acting out space
A con, abhorrent
Unanchored to the sun
Look up at the moon
But her eyes never shifted
From the network of cogs below the rocks
To rise at her expense
The evergreen refrain blows ash
Assumptions of forever
But in the end, everything already exists
Golden Soot
A victim fallen waste to indifference
He swayed side to side
Meandering without rhythm
An archaic tune lost beneath
The hum
A drone
The crests and valleys arriving and falling unnaturally
All unwitting
Praying those ruts in the dirt and gravel won’t linger
I gathered an assemblage of dust
A decomposition of your path
Symbols of courage, or more, your lack thereof
For what could be more dishonest than neglect
The tesselation of those particles infinite and slight
Defiant to form
Remain insignificant and seep back to the mire
A motif wave, return scheduled
With the force of fear, upon stepping out of us
Does it’s landing in the sea echo
Stricken and held by that sunken nod
My own personal looking glass
Still for you, every thankless moment of bewilderment
The gold beckons without inhibition