red tulips
An alpine lake big enough to sink my teeth into
Debilitating being by way of delusion
Typical of a bank of imitations in memoriam
Reverberate pulses that do not clearly identify themselves
Won’t behave no matter how I beg
Like it also wanders aimlessly
Searching for the makings of conduct
Time by range
Space by silence
Instead they are letters rearranged
Of an ancient idea
But even the colors are shifting based on the perspective
From which you glance
The angle, the beam, the thing, the curve, the light
If distance retains beauty, purity
Why is longing so dire
Is loneliness worse the closer it is
Aches for a space that existed
Only above the tree line
Without comfort or overcoming empowerment
Instead it arrived with a bit of established hardness
Containers of shell, armor, callous
A barricade, brick by brick
Each representative of another tile
Another devastation
And now they’re covered in vines
A floral scent
In roots
Eventually to decompose, return
I shake them out
It abides, and matches, and mimics the dimming
The scythe will try to remove the incipient adherences to those limbs
Which cling to the core
But the new blooms petition for water
Breathe, atmosphere of smog
Commitment that does not equal constraint
I do wish the arc was less pronounced
Story exhausted by living