untitled 9
Whispered awe
A pile of ash
Your crown of vines, heavy
Gravity forged in the fire of grief
Leaden as the sea
When you’ve had your fill
Of those sleepy corners
Search for one’s own dirt
Just above your tired lotus feet
Shoved below an openness of sky
Under the noose
Of a catatonic crash into the moon
I promise death before succession
Untie your hair, a hardened heart
Does the skin of the fruit remain fuzzy
Or has the pattern been peeled away
Let the cities return
Devout with forests, treated by sap
Barren of defilement
Refined by dust mixed with howl
Armor of the goddess in those rains
I only fear with the inability to touch
God, atop story of the edifice
Bubbling up from the lion’s pool of
A sharp sword
Precise but playful
The jest of false perceptions
Arrested by allegorical powers
To transform materiality
Should light not bounce from your eyes
Should an apple seed not turn to glass