untitled 26

The counselor 

In his superabundance

Is called to Good News 

But falsely divinized by seduction 

The original justice is destroyed 

Death makes its entrance into human history simultaneously 

With memory  

Grace arrives to then remove and cancel those debts


Before penance 

Having broken the well

Sin is a state 

The pattern resonates

And we use all 5 senses to interpret and justify



For manageable arrangement

Disambiguated and reassembled 

Waiting for better use 

The hook hung to Hell

Is seen only by shadow 

Sews itself in junction 

In an untimely age 

It declares miracles are born from faith 

Rejecting what was not in thirst for sacrifice 

Operating under canon law rather than civil law 

Vines cover the grave, the pile of back matter 

With swords around neck 

Prophets don’t write our prayers


untitled 25