untitled 19

Before the fall

At the copper etched Gate

A holy, dirt shaped password

Mimicked the keys

Where you severed fingers to chance

Representatives to a far fragmented spirit

Concealed stolen souls

Breathe loose


Still hot with sacrifice

The slow, calamitous waters bear

Liberation, exiled from reduction

A reminder we fell from tangles


Eyelids beneath moonrock

To pitch, to burn

And wander into the scrub

Aim of the sky’s fire

Inlay the phosphorescent void


Under a band of dusty prophets

Dawn reclines

And our repose dissolves

Into tongues of fire

The laughing gods

Wed divine play of hands


Gaze thickens

For what are the first fruits of imagination

But professional secrets where

Time disowned our hours

An imperfect sympathy


Redeeming seeds

In a clumsy illumination

On the bodies of resurrection

Created for defeat

We carry our own death


East of Eros

Could our love sin

I’ll rest my heart

In your sun


untitled 20


untitled 18