untitled 16

Although I lay stones at your feet

I am not a tomb

But a distilled, honeyed weight

Resting on wings

Where things go for losing

My elementary pliable lies


Marooned drama threatened the blood

Which delineates truth

And the self ripples incandescently

Between wind battered nodes

If we are as gods

How could torment be avoided

But a weary death on a causal sea

The playground maelstrom collapses

Into a dust of spheres

The glue the sears the sticky relations

Only then will the Aions of our time present

Air of fixed stars

Which fire the mind

Tears the summit from it’s roots

The terror melts to war and

Halts only in site of sacred walls


The hiatus between vertiginous wells

Teeming spirals drip

Into sun flooded oceans of entropy

Limits deaths’ access

No illusory agency here

Contractual ink poked a novel code

Did you mean to sign up for these long limbed inquiries

Wood grained secrets

Why presume the barks holds proclamation when terrorized so

It’s guise bears the right to snap

And destroy every emblem of you

Symbol system makers already confused our map with relief


I’ll unwind the peel

If you’ll agree to gather the slack

To untangle the absurd

The stoned web dropped

Situated wallowing in instrumentation

Reaffirms our demise

Expectations of spirits in kaleidoscope tipped mirrors surely inherit the dissolution


untitled 17


untitled 15