untitled 12

The waters drew me in

With professional secrets

A mess of pounded stones gasped underwater

Anchoritic and irresistible

The arrow that destroys the universe

Will you take shelter when I cry

But these gems are not to be met with surrender

So I will sing upon your back

To play in paradise

Until my fingers are no longer beneath your back

Kisses quit your eyes

Your tongue leaves my sheets

Essences eluded by the windows spilling daylight

A heart held in contempt

Lent a second face to drape the spiritual landscape

A wind shook ache like magic

With our vision’s eponymous of love

The ornamental introduces moaning divergence

But a constellation of tension holds together the sun and moon

Just as the heavens yearn for the pit of abyss

Gnawed from hell

We can’t take people where we’ve never gone

Why did you come here if not to play with fire


untitled 13


untitled 11