The scaffolding of an existence which laughs at itself is structurally organized by and derived in chaos, an accidental paradise of sorts, since that same chaos creates information. Are we determined to disprove the connectedness of all things as a sort of declaration of ambivalence to the divine? Do we shy away from that paradise that proclaims the nonduality of good and evil to declare an affinity for piety?
Wisdom and truth remain altruistic in nature and cannot, shall not be contained by limitation such as material boundaries and gravitational bounds. If the mind only can inform the matter, matter remains literally and physical empty without spirit. But if the matter is the mother is the material is based on particles (the evolution of Adam through atom), how is the solar masculine inspirited? Inspired? Is it not the feminine who goes into the woods, the moon which only controls the veil of mystery?
Einstein even said, “the contemplation of the cosmos beckons like a liberation”. This swing between ridicule and sublimation illustrates our eternal search for validation of how special and unique our existence is. We don’t have to disprove God. He’s already within the question dancing, inside the tremendous and terrifying mystery, an ineffable, silent knowing.